Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Wedding Singer

Alexis recently made her premiere on the Wedding Singer's circuit at a church up in Scottsdale.  Ironically, she sang at a funeral in that same church a few months ago.
We even got to go to the dress rehearsal the night before--neither one of us had ever been to a dress rehearsal but I can see why they have them because there is a lot to remember.  I'm kind of glad that our wedding wasn't so complicated or I probably would have fumbled around a bit.
The groom did a great job.
Alexis did a great job singing "The Lord's Prayer" and "For the Beauty of the Earth".  It was kind of interesting though because they had her sing the latter during Communion--so there was quite a bit going on at the time with people standing up and coming to the front.  She told me that after a while, she just gave up trying to sing to them and just focused on singing.
Overall, it was a really good experience and there was a good spirit there.  The bride's family flew in all the way from Korea and the groom's from New York so it was quite a gathering.

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