Thursday, August 30, 2012

Top 10 Things to Do with a Tennis Ball

Photo Credit: Horia Varlan
This may seem like an odd thing to talk about ... and I guess it is. My rationale is that, since we are moving soon, I need to find a purpose for everything that we are loading into the U-Haul - or there's no reason to keep it.  

Note: we have 3 tennis balls from our wedding that we have yet to use.

Thus, without further ado, I give you ...

The Top 10 Things to Do with a Tennis Ball

  1. Throw it in the Dryer 
    • It keeps clothes from getting tied up so that they dry properly.
  2. Play Fetch with the Dog
    • Hopefully, your dog doesn't have O.C.D. or it may never stop retrieving it.
  3. Hang it from a String in the Garage
    • Once it bumps against your windshield, you'll know that you've pulled in far enough.
  4. Play Catch with a Friend
  5. Sneak One into a Dodge Ball Game 
    • Those rubber balls don't even compare.
  6. Help the Young and the Elderly
    • Believe it or not, there are companies, such as Tennis Ball Cutter, that put them on the bottom of chairs at schools to reduce noise and keep the floors cleaner.  Not to mention, the elderly, who use them with their walkers quite regularly.
  7. Low-Cost Entertainment
    • Cut a small hole, fill the ball with peanut butter and watch your dog go crazy trying to get it out.
  8. Miniature Flotation Device
    • It could save your life ... could be used in a swimming pool, lake or bath tub.
  9. Baby Toy
    • Hopefully this doesn't rule me out as a future father, but a baby could suck on/play with one of these, right?
  10. Hit it Back at the Ball Boy
    • So that he can make an amazing catch (see video).

Oh ... and I guess you could Play Tennis.

What do you think?  How else would you use a tennis ball?  Please, leave your comments below.

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